Friday, February 13, 2009

oh so much

So I haven't posted in while. Things have been crazy. I'm traveling right now so I am going to work on some longer posts on my laptop and then upload them later. For now some mini updates

-I went to the NZI seven's tournament, one of a series of international Rugby Seven's tournaments. It's is perhaps the event of the year in Wellington and it was amazing. It's basically one big party and everyone dresses up, Scooter and I went as Friars. It was one of the best weekends I've had here, maybe the best. Like all great weekends it included drinking, friends, and a beautiful girl.

-I've moved out of my Wellington flat. I will now be a nomad until I arrive at camp in May.

-I've spent the last week working at a vineyard in an area called the Wairarapa. It was really fun and I think I'll come back in a month. Scooter was there with me and we both loved it. It had a strong impact on me and could affect my future plans.

-Up next is some regional travels and then to the south island for a bunch of traveling. I'm pumped, but worried about money a little.


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