Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Idiotic and Pretentious, or Awesome

So as I am moving to a far away place where I will know almost no one. I feel like this is a unique opportunity to do something I feel many people wish they could do; change their name. Now I'm not talking about actually legally changing my name or even making something up in the sense of claiming my name is Finnegan or something. No, I was thinking about going by a different possible but legitimate version of my given name. I've almost always introduced myself as Joey except when I worked at the Phoenician and I was Joseph. Also many people call me Joe on their own accord often (notably my parents and grandparents). At camp some people became enamored with my middle initial due to it's use in my email address, josephdshannon@gmail.com. So that has led to occasional and inconsistent use of any of the following: Joseph D, Joey D, JD, JDS, and even prompted the nickname Da-wayne after Andre joked that, that is what it stood for mocking my consummate whiteness. As an aside, 'Da-wayne' has had the most staying power being my Prep 4 nickname for the last two summers. Still I had really only ever gone by Joey, Joseph, and Joe. This left these possible candidates all of while required some use of my middle name.

David-The classic, 'go by the middle name', I would consider it but David is pretty pedestrian to begin with (sorry Dad) so it really wouldn't be that fun. Plus having the same name as my father would be a tough adjustment even if he wasn't around.

JD- The obvious choice perhaps. Common enough but not so common as say, Joey. Still I have a friend named JD for one which takes a bit of the fun out it, plus I just don't feel like a JD. It doesn't fit in my opinion.

J- Could try to go by just the first letter. Didn't like this one as it is effectively going by an existing name, Jay, which I don't want.

So after all the vetoes I thought of one that I liked. It's pretty pretentious, but I think it has a nice ring to it and I think I could get used to it. So without further ado I give you:

J David - It's clearly going in a totally different direction than my previous names, but retains legitimacy. At the same time, in my entire life I have not known a J David so I don't have to feel like I am copying anyone, so it satisfies my silly human need to feel unique. Plus I just think it's catchy.

So this is an idea, not sure yet. The three big questions I have to ask are:

1. Is J David a good name? Or is it silly and pretentious.
2. Even if it is, am I just being a vain jerk for trying to change my own name?
3. If I am, do I give a shit?

So in my first attempt to even actually illicit a response from my small cadre of readers I want to know your thoughts. Just click the comment box below. In the end I reckon I'll just decide on my own but it would interesting to hear what some of the people closest to me think.

J David Shannon

Just Finished: Stumbling on Happiness
Currently Reading: A Short History of Nearly Everything and A Storm of Swords
Up Next: The Tipping Point and Love, Stargirl


kevin said...

I don't think that it's particularly vain,but I do think that you care. It would be difficult get out of the "joseph d" mindset, but J David sounds like fun

JD said...

J David is definitly unique, in a good way, i like it. people will probably shorten it to jd though, but i give you permission to be a jd.

shep said...

watch out...you might become a dave or davey and dave's aren't very exciting at all.

Ryan Hummel said...

My roommate last year was named Jeff Davied (pronounced 'David'), so I've heard 'JDavid' used before. But whatever floats your boat.