Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New City, New Job, New Family

So I am here is Wellington as I have been for a few days. It has been a nice introduction. I have been staying with a family in one of the suburbs, Lower Hutt. While searching for possible nutrition work from the States, Ben came accross a women who was the president of the New Zealand Diatetics association, Jan. She couldn't get him a job but invited him to come stay with her once he was here and in doing so me as well.

So we flew into Welly, took a airport bus out of the city, followed by a cab to their place. We didn't really have any idea what the situation would be like, we didn't even know if she was married. The house is in a beautiful settin in the hills that hug the coast here. We came in and introductions with her, her husband (Chris) and their 17 year old son (Angus) and 14 year old daughter (Lucy). Within no time we were one of the family, and the relationship has been going great. I talk to Chris about politics (we are both classic liberals and he has involvement in local politics here which is interesting to hear about), to Lucy about youth culture in our respective countries (Facebook v. Bebo, Miley Cyrus, and Ipods), and Chris has been teaching me and Beb=n about Cricket and Rugby.

I've also been earning my keep so to speak; for the past two nights I have been tutoring Angus in math and physics for his upcoming exams (we have more working to do tonight). He has never been tutored before and seems to really respond to the extra help. Tonight Ben and I cooked dinner for our adopted Kiwi family; Chicken Fajitas, homemade Guacamole, and mixed fruit crisp (pears, plums, and tamarillos; a local favorite we had never used before).

My days have been spent in town looking for work. I think I have settled on what I am going to do for now. It looks like I am going to be a icon on any functioning CBD, the temp. Today I got taken on by my first temping agency. I had to go in and take a test and did quite well apparently. I typed 56 words per minute at 99% accuracy. I also did 7272 keys per second for alphanumeric data entry with 98% accuracy, apparently average speed is about 5200. Apparently I am plenty qualified. Having a B.S. in Math doesn't hurt either. So I have my first job one week from today, data entry for the NZ dept of Education. My contact person at the company thinks she can get me better work once it is available, or so she says.

My plan is to get on with a few more agencies so that I should hopefully have pretty consistant work. It won't be the most exciting work but it has some distinct advantages. It pays 15-18 dollars/ hours usually which is the best I could hope to get pretty much. I get to decide when I work so if I want to take two weeks to go travel, no big deal. Also it is only 9-5 work so I can get a weekend or night job if I want, I think I may work in a shop for the holidays to earn some extra scratch, but I am not going to worry about that for now.

Wellington is great, but that will be another post. Ben and I are happy here and will be staying with the family for a maybe another week. Tomorrow I start looking for a place in the city. University gets out at the end of the month so we are hoping to sublet for the summer, until then maybe just a hostel. I let you know how it goes. Alright, peace.


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