Sunday, August 31, 2008

Joey on a Stick

A quick post before I take off. Last day and half has been solid. Went to the Minnesota football game last night. Golden Gophers won in a squeaker v. Northern Illinois. This one win matches their win total from last year so there is no where to go but up.

Today I went to the Minnesota State Fair. It is awesome. Kicks the Arizona state fairs butt. I had always heard it was great and it was. It is a total event out here, everyone goes and the grounds are huge and crowded. I had cheese curds (which are amazing), fried snickers, and some apple cider. I would have eaten more but I went on a ride and lost my appetite. They have so much there. They have unlimited milk for a dollar, huge tubs of cookies, friend alligator, cheese on a stick, meat on a stick, fruit on a stick, everything is on a stick. The big hit this year was bacon w/ chocolate. I was gonna try it but I went on a ride and my stomach was unsettled after that. It was a true Minnesota culture experience; if you ask locals why they are there one of the answers you are most likely to get it, "you have to go". I'm glad I did.

So now I am back with Blake and Beth. I leave for Prague at 1117 tomorrow. I don't know when I will post next. I'll try to throw down some updates when I can. Some aspects of the trip will be kept a little closer to the chest then this blog allows of course, for those that have been following that saga, you can ask me in person for an update.

I've been in neutral for a few days here in the cities. It's still been an action packed neutral though and I had a great time. I leave the twin cities more in love with them then before and further convinced that this may the place for me someday. I love Minnesota and will miss it.
Time for the next gear though. I'm out.


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