Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Still in Prague with some exciting news. Shep has decided to come. After a little cajoling online this morning he brought a plane ticket. I guess that is what you get when you are impulsive, and have large quantities of expendable income and time like Shep. I'm pumped that he is coming. Today was cool. Mostly we did a lot of strolling. Prague is I think the best city I have ever been to for just walking around. Near the city center or old town going anywhere feels like an experience. Everything is so well preserved it feels like it can't quite be real. Cars look wildly out of place. The physical beauty of the city matched with outrageously ideal viewpoints is unrivaled in any city I have been to. It is truly amazing what avoiding a world war's worth of bombing can do for the aesthetic value of a city.

Hana has to work tomorrow so I am going to do some walking tours and put some of this into context. Once I get back home and have my card reader I will also finally upload some photos. I have been doing a good job keeping it on the cheap though I will probably spend some money the next couple days to see stuff. I am currently trying to secure couch surfing spots for CPH for Shep and I. Alright out for now, I haven't had a good nights sleep in days, hopefully I am adjusted.


Just Finished: A Short History of Nearly Everything
Currently Reading: The Tipping Point and Lonesome Dove
Up Next: New Zealand Guide

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