Monday, December 15, 2008

Three Good Things

I went to Christchurch this past weekend for the co-ed ultimate championships (not that impressive actually, there are only 10 teams in the country). My team got 4th, which was better than I expected, I actually played very well and the weekend did a lot to redeem some lukewarm feelings I had towards my experience with the team.

Henry is picking up the car we bought. A 1995 Honda Oddysey. It is a great deal. The guy bought it from a dealership 6 months ago for 5500 NZD. We are getting it for 2020 NZD. He has to leave the country tomorrow. I officially drive a rugby mom car.

I have a coffee date (I think it's a date) tonight with a girl named Dana. She is older than me but I don't know by how much, don't especially care though. I met her this weekend. She's pretty. And nice. That is most of what I can say at this point. Unfortunatly she lives in Auckland. So it goes.

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